ponedeljek, 26. marec 2018

Čas zase / Time for myself

Po dolgem času se vračam k blogu, na polno v poklicu mama in - kot se večkrat sama šalim - tudi pasja mama. Obdobje materinstva je intenzivno, sploh ko so otročički majhni. Noči so lahko dolge in naporne in včasih je vizualizacija dišeče jutranje kave edina rešilna bilka, ki me drži pokonci.
Dnevi minevajo hitro in z lahkoto se znajdeš v enolični rutini skrbi za otroka in vzgoje, kupih umazanega perila in kupih čistega perila, kuhanja in številnih gospodinjskih opravil. Če sem se kaj naučila v teh letih je to to, da mora mama najprej poskrbeti zase, če želi dobro poskrbeti za svoje najdražje. In to ne mislim, da grem na manikuro, k frizerju in na masažo. Čeprav se slednje ne bi branila. Govorim o notranji negi, o tistem drugem času zase. Zame trenutno to pomeni par strani knjige na dan (ali vsak drugi dan), včasih prebranih celo med dojenjem, se teh trenutkov veselim vsak dan. Čeprav sem sicer oseba, ki ne nakupuje pogosto (ali rada), si knjige rada privoščim.
In kaj trenutno berem?

1.  The Magic of Motherhood 
Prva knjiga je zbirka esejev različnih avtoric, ki jim je skupno to, da so mame. Skozi zgodbe iskreno govorijo o vzponih in padcih materinstva, rojstvu, posvojitvi, o splavu, vzgoji... Knjigo berem počasi in z užitkom, ker me je strah, da je bo prehitro zmanjkalo, saj je res balzam za dušo.

2. Q & A for Moms
 Druga knjiga je pravzaprav dnevnik in se lepo ujema s prvo izbiro. Je petletni dnevnik za mame in ti na dan vzame le nekaj  minut, saj je narejen tako, da ti vsak dan v letu postavi drugačno vprašanje, te spodbudi k premišljevanju, hvaležnosti in trenutku zase. Mislim, da si bom čez nekaj let hvaležna, ko bom prebirala zapise. 

Oboje toplo priporočam vsem mamicam ali bodočim mamicam. Zdi se mi tudi lepo darilo za prijateljico, ki je v pričakovanju ali ki je že mama.

To je samo en moj način sprostitve in morda navdihne tudi tebe. Ker glej, mama, ena sama si. In kako boš skrbela za druge, če ne poskrbiš zase? Kaj je pa tisto, kar tebe sprošča in česar se veseliš, kar je samo zate?


I am returning to my blog after a long time, fully immersed into full time mama job and as I am often kidding ”dog mama”. The time of motherhood is very intense part of life, especially when the kids are still so small. Some nights are long and hard and sometimes it is the only the visualization of my morning coffee that keeps me going. Days go by fast and you can quickly find yourself in a boring routine of baby care and parenting, piles of dirty laundry and piles of clean laundry, cooking and numerous house chores. I have learned in years of motherhood, that I have to take care of myself if I want to properly care for my loved ones. And by taking care I don't mean getting a manicure, your hair done or getting a massage, though it wouldn't hurt getting one. I am talking about that inner care, that other time for yourself. At the moment this is reading a few pages every day (or every other day), sometimes read while breastfeeding. Although I am actually not a big spender in general (nor I like shopping), I genuinely like to buy books. And what am I reading currently?

1.The Magic of Motherhood 
 First book is a collection of essays written by various authors who have in common being a mother. Through their stories they speak honestly about ups and downs of motherhood, birth, adoption, abortion, parenting...I read this book slowly, so it will last longer, as it is really soothing.

2.  Q & A for Moms
This book is actually a diary and is a good match with the first book. It is a five-year diary with various questions, which take a few minutes to answer every day. It encourages contemplating, gratitude and taking a moment just for yourself. I imagine that I will be very grateful some day while reading it.

I would recommend both of them to mothers and mothers-to-be. I think it would be a thoughtful gift for a friend who is also a mom or is expecting a baby.

This is just one of my ways of relaxation and I am sharing this to maybe inspire you too.Because hey, mom, there is just one of you. And how are you planning to take care of others if you don't take care of you first? What is your way of relaxing and what is something that you are looking forward to just for yourself? 

2 komentarja:

  1. Lepo napisano. ❤ Ne glede kako imamo rade svoje otročke, si je treba vzeti čas zase. Dnevnik poznam, sem ga dobila v dar in je res super za vsakodnevno refleksijo. Knjige pa (še) ne. ��
